Enervex RS09 - RS016 |
Enervex RSHT09 - RSHT016 |
Temperature Rating |
575 F Interm - 482 F Cont |
1330 F Interm - 1000 F Cont |
Housing Material |
3/16" Cast Alum w/ one coat of paint |
316 Stainless Steel w/ one coat of paint |
UL Listing |
UL Listed for Gas Fireplace Systems |
UL Listed for Solid Fuel Venting |
Warranty |
6 mo unconditional - 2 yr factory (motor) - 10 yr housing |
6 mo unconditional - 2 yr factory (motor) - 10 yr housing |
Mounting Options |
Vertical (top mounted) or Horizontal (sidewall mounted) |
Vertical |
Data Sheet |
Enervex RS Chimney Fan Data Sheet |
RS HT Chimney Fan Data Sheet |
Sizing Charts |
Enervex RS Fan Sizing Chart |
Enervex RSHT Fan Sizing Chart |
Fan Speed Curve |
Brief Description |
Enervex RS line of fans has been the industry standard for drafting fans
for years. It is ideal for gas or oil fired appliances, wood burning
fireplaces/pizza ovens with a flue run of greater than 15 feet, and to use
as a low maintenance, general ventilation fan to exhaust stale air,
cigarette smoke, or other odors. These fans are the only guaranteed
solution to a chimney downdraft situation when sized properly. |
Enervex RSHT line of fans was introduced in 2014 to provide installers with
a UL listed fan for drafting solid fuel applications such as wood burning
fireplaces and wood stoves. The stainless steel construction and new
impeller/shaft design allow the fan to take up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit of
continuous heat. This makes it ideal for short flue runs and outdoor
fireplaces which tend to have a combination of a short flue and large fires that
burn very hot. |