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 RS Chimney Fans  -  GSV Pizza Oven Fans  -  GSV Kitchen Exhaust Fans  Enervex RSV Fans  -  RSHT High Heat Fans  -  EFH Exhaust Fans
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Quick Comparison - Enervex RS Chimney fan vs Enervex RSHT Chimney Fan



Enervex RS09 - RS016

Enervex RSHT09 - RSHT016


Volko Chimney Fans is your source for the Enervex RS chimney fan.  Exhausto is now Enervex.  RS009 RS012 RS014 RS016.  Fireplace and chimney smoke fan.

 Temperature Rating

575 F Interm - 482 F Cont

1330 F Interm - 1000 F Cont

Housing Material

3/16" Cast Alum w/ one coat of paint

316 Stainless Steel w/ one coat of paint

UL Listing

UL Listed for Gas Fireplace Systems

UL Listed for Solid Fuel Venting


6 mo unconditional - 2 yr factory (motor) - 10 yr housing

6 mo unconditional - 2 yr factory (motor) - 10 yr housing

Mounting Options

Vertical (top mounted) or Horizontal (sidewall mounted)


Data Sheet Enervex RS Chimney Fan Data Sheet Enervex RS HT Chimney Fan Data Sheet
Sizing Charts Enervex RS Fan Sizing Chart Enervex RSHT Fan Sizing Chart

Fan Speed Curve

Enervex RS Fan Speed Curve

Enervex RSHT Fan Speed Curve

Brief Description The Enervex RS line of fans has been the industry standard for drafting fans for years.  It is ideal for gas or oil fired appliances, wood burning fireplaces/pizza ovens with a flue run of greater than 15 feet, and to use as a low maintenance, general ventilation fan to exhaust stale air, cigarette smoke, or other odors.  These fans are the only guaranteed solution to a chimney downdraft situation when sized properly.

The Enervex RSHT line of fans was introduced in 2014 to provide installers with a UL listed fan for drafting solid fuel applications such as wood burning fireplaces and wood stoves.  The stainless steel construction and new impeller/shaft design allow the fan to take up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit of continuous heat.  This makes it ideal for short flue runs and outdoor fireplaces which tend to have a combination of a short flue and large fires that burn very hot.


Please call 800 685 8263 for prices


Enervex FSC Fan Speed Control Enervex RSD Dilution Bolts Enervex MFD FDDS Mechanical Fireplace Damper System Enervex SCA ASCA Steel Chimney Adaptor Enervex EW40 Wireless Control Enervex EFC211 Control Enervex ADC100 Control
Fan Speed Control

Included with RS Series Fans
Dilution Bolts
Damper System
Gas Only
Chimney Adapter
Wireless Control
EFC 211
Fan Control

Gas Only

Enervex?... but my new fan says Exodraft.
Exhausto is now Exodraft, distributed as Enervex. 
Enervex Fans... draft solutions for kitchen and pizza oven exhaust.

Please call 800 685 8263 or email us (info@volko.com) for prices

Enervex Fans... Enervex RS Chimney Fans.  Click for RS chimney fan selection and sizing.  RS9 RS12 RS14 RS16. Enervex Fans... Enervex GSV Pizza Oven Fans.  Click for GSV pizza oven fan selection and sizing.  GSV9 GSV12 GSV14 GSV16. Enervex Fans... Enervex GSV Grease Fans.  Click for GSV kitchen fan selection and sizing.  GSV200 GSV250 GSV315 GSV400 GSV450. Enervex Fans... Enervex GSV Pizza Oven Fans.  Click for GSV pizza oven fan selection and sizing.  GSV9 GSV12 GSV14 GSV16. Enervex Fans... Enervex EFH200.  Kitchen and gas fireplace exhaust.
Chimney Fans
Wood/Gas Fireplaces
Pizza Oven Fans
Kitchen Exhaust
Grease Fans
Kitchen Exhaust
RSV Fans
RSV 009 - 450
RSHT High Heat Fan
Wood / Gas Fireplaces
600 CFM Fan
Kitchen - Fireplace
RS 009 - 016 GSV 009 - 016 GSV 250 - 450 RSV 009 - 450 RSHT 009 - 016 EFH 200

Enervex Fans... Enervex controls.  FSC5 FSC8 EW40 ADC100 EFC211 PDS RSD SCA. Enervex Fans... Enervex Mechanical Fireplace EcoDamper.  MFD and FDDS Damper System. Downloadable PDF's for Fans, Parts and Controls. Product Literature. Enervex Fans... Exhausto fan replacement parts.  Motors Fan Blades Capacitors.
Fan Controls
Draft Switches
Downloadable PDF's
Product Literature
Motors - Impellers
Maintenance from
Oven Deck to Fan
Enervex Fan Source




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