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Exhausto / Exodraft / Enervex RS, GSV& RSV Fan Parts
Motors, Axial Vanes, Impellers & Capacitors

IE... This fan motor is an Enervex / Exhausto
ME# 1200795 V4 Motor. ( RES1200795 )

TP-211 is a Thermal Protection Code… it is not a part number for a motor.
TP indicates a motors Thermal Protection.
TP211 – Indicates protection against both rapid and slow overload.

When a motor’s heat rises too high, the thermal protector turns off electricity.
This stops the motor from overheating and catching on fire. Thermal protectors are placed internally inside the motor.

Exhausto Exodraft Enervex Fan Motor.  Replacement fan motor and parts.  Replacement motors for RS 009 RS 012 RS 014 RS 016 GSV 009 GSV 012 GSV 014 GSV 016 GSV 250 GSV 315

Enervex / Exhausto Fan Motor Identification

If the Enervex / Exhausto fan model number, found on the tag on top of the fan housing, is not legible an ID tag is also located on the motor body.

ID an Enervex / Exhausto fan motor is by the ME #'s...  last two are alpha-numeric.

We sell all Enervex fans, controls, and parts. Click below for Product Information and Installation Manuals.

Enervex Motor Replacement PDFs

RS Motor Replacement

GSV 400-450 Motor Replacement

GSV 009-016 Motor Replacement

Direct links to Enervex for....

Installation Manuals

Product Information

Is it a
GSV315 or RSV315?

How to ID


Part Identification
Prior to 2012 all fans and parts were identified as Exhausto, made in Denmark.
Exhausto is now Exodraft, distributed as Enervex.   Name has changed... parts are the same.

Enervex Fan
Part Number
Fan Blade
Fan Blade
Part Number
Part Number
RS9 E4 Replacement motor RES 1200330 RES1200330
# 651.0501.1200
Axial RES1100222
# 601.0200.0010
4 MFD RES2000958
# 601.0200.0064
RS12 G4 Replacement motor RES 1200265 RES1200265
# 651.0502.1200
Axial RES1100214
# 601.0400.0010
6 MFD RES2000853
# 601.0400.0064
RS14 J4 Replacement motor RES 1200284 RES1200284
# 651.0503.1200
Axial RES1105008
# 601.0600.0010
12 MFD RES2000842
# 604.0400.0064
RS16 T4 Replacement motor RES 1200272 RES1200272
# 651.0505.1200
Axial RES1100026
# 601.0800.0010
25 MFD RES2000816
# 601.0800.0064
RSHT9 Split Shaft # 652.0501.1200 Axial # 602.0200.0010 10 MFD # 602.0200.0064
RSHT12 Split Shaft # 652.0502.1200 Axial # 602.0400.0010 12 MFD # 604.0400.0064
RSHT14 Split Shaft # 652.0503.1200 Axial # 602.0600.0010 25 MFD # 601.0800.0064
RSHT16 Split Shaft # 652.0504.1200 Axial # 602.0800.0010 35 MFD # 602.0800.0064
RSV / GSV9 E4 Replacement motor RES 1200330 RES1200330
# 651.0501.1200
Axial RES1100263
# 604.0200.0010
4 MFD RES2000958
# 601.0200.0064
RSV / GSV12 J4 Replacement motor RES 1200284 RES1200284
# 651.0503.1200
Axial RES1105402
# 604.0400.0010
12 MFD RES2000842
# 604.0400.0064
RSV / GSV14 Q4 Replacement motor RES 1200329 RES1200329
# 651.0504.1200
Axial RES1100159
# 604.0600.0010
16 MFD RES2000959
# 604.0600.0064
RSV / GSV16 V4 Replacement motor RES 1200795 RES1200795
# 650.0503.1200
Axial RES1100704
# 604.0800.0010
30 MFD RES2000957
# 604.0800.0064
GSV16  Before 2009 V4 Enervex discontinued motor RES 1200297.  Use replacement V4 #1200795 RES1200297 Disc. Axial DISCONTINUED Replace w/ (19mm) V4 Motor RES1200795
with corresponding axial vane & capacitor
RSV16  Before 2009 V4 Enervex discontinued motor RES 1200297.  Use replacement V4 #1200795 RES1200297 Disc. Axial DISCONTINUED
RSV / GSV200 J4 Replacement motor RES 1200284 RES1200284
# 651.0503.1200
Centrifugal RES1100079
# 605.0400.0010
12 MFD RES2000842
# 604.0400.0064
RSV / GSV250 Q4 Replacement motor RES 1200329 RES1200329
# 651.0504.1200
Centrifugal RES1100194
# 605.0600.0010
16 MFD RES2000959
# 604.0600.0064
GSV315 V4 Replacement motor RES 1200795 RES1200795
# 650.0503.1200
Centrifugal RES1100725
# 633.0800.0010
30 MFD RES2000957
# 604.0800.0064
RSV315 V4 Replacement motor RES 1200795 RES1200795
# 650.0503.1200
Centrifugal RES1100709
# 605.0800.0010
30 MFD RES2000957
# 604.0800.0064
GSV315  Before 2009 V4 Enervex discontinued motor RES 1200297.  Use replacement V4 #1200795 RES1200297 Disc. Centrifugal DISCONTINUED Replace w/ (19mm) V4 Motor RES1200795
with corresponding impeller & capacitor
RSV315  Before 2009 V4 Enervex discontinued motor RES 1200297.  Use replacement V4 #1200795 RES1200297 Disc. Centrifugal DISCONTINUED
BESB250 V4 (19mm) Replacement motor RES 1200974 RES1200974
# 650.0504.1200
Centrifugal RES0301029
# 699.0200.0008
30 MFD RES2000957
# 604.0800.0064

*** In 2009 V4 motors have had a shaft change from 14mm (1/2") shaft to the newer 19mm (3/4) shaft....

Check motor tag for "ME" part number.... it is recommended that the older V4 #1200297 motor be replaced with a new V4 motor #1200795 and include corresponding fan blade and capacitor.

Enervex Fan
ABB Motor
ABB Motor
Part Number

Enervex ABB Motor 1HP 2HP

Fan Blade
Fan Blade
Part Number
Enervex Centrifugal Impeller Angled Top View
BESB 315 1 HP Discontinued ABB motor RES 1200579 with 14mm shaft. Replaced with a new 19mm 1HP ABB motor #1200579s and include corresponding impeller. RES1200579 Disc. Centrifugal DISCONTINUED
BESB 315 1 HP Replacement ABB motor RES 1200579s RES1200579 S
# 655.0501.2200
Centrifugal RES0300720
# 699.0400.0008
RSV / GSV400 1 HP Discontinued ABB motor RES 1200457 with 14mm shaft. Replaced with a new 19mm 1HP ABB motor #1200803 and include corresponding impeller. RES1200457 Disc. Centrifugal RES1100196 Disc.
RSV / GSV400 1 HP Replacement ABB motor RES 1200803 RES1200803
# 654.0401.2200
Centrifugal RES1100811
# 605.1000.0010
RSV / GSV450 2 HP Replacement ABB motor RES 1200788 RES1200788
# 654.0402.2200
Centrifugal RES1105607
# 605.1200.0010

*** In 2009 1HP motors have had a shaft change from 14mm (1/2") shaft to the newer 19mm (3/4) shaft....

Check motor shaft size.... it is recommended that the older 14mm 1HP motor be replaced with a new 19mm 1HP motor #1200803 and include corresponding impeller.

Stocking Dealer  -  Knowledgeable Staff  -  Expedited Shipping Available

Please call 800 685 8263 for prices
We only provide genuine Exhausto Exodraft Enervex replacement parts.

Enervex fan identification.  Exhausto is now Enervex.  Exodraft fans are made in Denmark, 115 - 120v fans are provided for North America and distributed as Enervex fans.

Enervex / Exhausto / Exodraft Fan Identification

ID an Enervex fan by the first 6 alpha-numeric digits located on the tag.
IE... This fan is an Enervex GSV012 or GSV 12.

Exodraft fans are made in Denmark, 115 - 120v fans are provided for North America
and distributed as Enervex fans. 

The ID tag, located on the top plate for GSV/RSV fans, can become illegible from age or after a high heat event.

To determine the correct Enervex fan model and size... confirm if it has an axial vane or backward curved impeller... and reference a few housing measurements against an Enervex fan spec chart.

This fan (left) was off a pizza oven from a restaurant.

***** Commercial kitchen would require a GSV series fan.

***** Axial vane would narrow it to 1 of 4 fans... GSV009 thru GSV016.

***** 15" measured off the housing makes this a GSV012

The clam shell measurement of about 15" was used against the fan model chart located here...


B x B chart measurement of 15.37" confirmed this to be a GSV012

  Replacement Impeller Seats Insert and Inlet Collars for Enervex Exhausto Exodraft  
Fire in the hole!!!!.... This was an inlet collar.   Impeller Seats / Insert & Inlet Collars  

Replacement Motor Mount for Enervex Exhausto Exodraft   Replacement Shaft Extension for Enervex Exhausto Exodraft

Replacement Shaft Extension for Enervex Exhausto Exodraft



Enervex Capacitors.  Volko only provides genuine Exhausto Exodraft Enervex replacement parts.
Enervex Junction Box with Capacitor
Wiring Diagram

Motor Mount Flange

GSV 315

  Shaft Extensions   Start Capacitors

Fan start capacitors are located in the Electrical Junction Box

It is recommended to also change the start capacitor as part of a motor replacement.

Enervex Axial Vane Top View.  Exodraft Exhausto Enervex replacement fan parts. Fan Blade Identification

Axial Vane

Also called:
Impeller or Prop Blade

Enervex Axial Vane Side Angle View

Enervex Centrifugal Impeller Angled Bottom View.  Exodraft Exhausto Enervex replacement fan parts. Fan Blade Identification


Also called:
Scoop Wheel or
Back Curved Impeller

Enervex Centrifugal Impeller Angled Top View

Cooling Vane
Motor Change???.. inspect the cooling vane.
An unbalanced, warped or missing cooling vane could significantly lessen the lifespan of the motor / fan.

 Enervex Cooling Vane For GSV / RSV fan.  Replacement fan motor blades and parts.

Used on Centrifugal Blades and with Axial Vanes on GSV / RSV fans


Cooling Vane

Cooling Vane
Part Number


8” ( 7 7/8”)

604.0200.0013  RES1100594


10” ( 9 13/16”)

604.0400.0013  RES1100593


13” ( 12 5/8”)

604.0600.0013  RES1100595


16” ( 15")

604.0800.0013  RES1102658










Enervex Cooling Vane.  Exodraft Exhausto Enervex replacement fan parts.


Electrical Wire / Harness Replacement
for RS GSV RSV Exhausto / Enervex Chimney Fans

Kit Includes :  Conduit, Cord, Fittings & Capacitor

4 FT  PRT9057 3/8" Black XTRAFLEX Conduit

5 FT PRT3084 Silicone Cased 4-Wire Harness ( CORD )

2 PC PRT9056 3/8" Conduit Fittings

1 PC Capacitor ( Sized by Fan Model )

All Exhausto / Enervex RS Chimney Fans have capacitor start motors.

Capacitor must be installed for proper fan function.

***Junction box not included.

Wiring Diagram

We only provide genuine Exhausto Exodraft Enervex replacement parts.

Fan Model RS9
RS12 RS14
GSV200 RSV200
RS16 GSV14 RSV14
GSV250 RSV250
GSV315 RSV315
Motor Type Replacement motor RES 1200330 RES1200330 651.0201.1200 1200330 E4
Replacement motor RES 1200265 RES1200265 651.0502.1200 1200265 G4
Replacement motor RES 1200284 RES1200284 651.0503.1200 1200284 J4
Replacement motor RES 1200272 RES1200272 651.0505.1200 1200272 T4
Replacement motor RES 1200329 RES1200329 651.0504.1200 1200329 Q4
Replacement motor RES 1200795 RES1200795 650.0503.1200 1200795 V4
Required Capacitor Replacement capacitor RES 2000958 RES2000958 601.0200.0064 4 mfd Replacement capacitor RES 2000853 RES2000853 601.0400.0064 6 mfd Replacement capacitor RES 2000842 RES2000842 604.0400.0064 12 mfd Replacement capacitor RES 2000816 RES2000816 601.0800.0064 25 mfd Replacement capacitor RES 2000959 RES2000959 604.0600.0064 16 mfd Replacement capacitor RES 2000957 RES2000957 604.0800.0064 30 mfd

Call to order - 800 685 8263

Enervex?... but my new fan says Exodraft.
Exhausto is now Exodraft, distributed as Enervex. 
Enervex Fans... draft solutions for kitchen and pizza oven exhaust.

Please call 800 685 8263 or email us (info@volko.com) for prices

Enervex Fans... Enervex RS Chimney Fans.  Click for RS chimney fan selection and sizing.  RS9 RS12 RS14 RS16. Enervex Fans... Enervex GSV Pizza Oven Fans.  Click for GSV pizza oven fan selection and sizing.  GSV9 GSV12 GSV14 GSV16. Enervex Fans... Enervex GSV Grease Fans.  Click for GSV kitchen fan selection and sizing.  GSV200 GSV250 GSV315 GSV400 GSV450. Enervex Fans... Enervex GSV Pizza Oven Fans.  Click for GSV pizza oven fan selection and sizing.  GSV9 GSV12 GSV14 GSV16. Enervex Fans... Enervex EFH200.  Kitchen and gas fireplace exhaust.
Chimney Fans
Wood/Gas Fireplaces
Pizza Oven Fans
Kitchen Exhaust
Grease Fans
Kitchen Exhaust
RSV Fans
RSV 009 - 450
RSHT High Heat Fan
Wood / Gas Fireplaces
600 CFM Fan
Kitchen - Fireplace
RS 009 - 016 GSV 009 - 016 GSV 250 - 450 RSV 009 - 450 RSHT 009 - 016 EFH 200

Enervex Fans... Enervex controls.  FSC5 FSC8 EW40 ADC100 EFC211 PDS RSD SCA. Enervex Fans... Enervex Mechanical Fireplace EcoDamper.  MFD and FDDS Damper System. Downloadable PDF's for Fans, Parts and Controls. Product Literature. Enervex Fans... Exhausto fan replacement parts.  Motors Fan Blades Capacitors.
Fan Controls
Draft Switches
Downloadable PDF's
Product Literature
Motors - Impellers
Maintenance from
Oven Deck to Fan
Enervex Fan Source




Visit Volko Supply Online www.volko.com
Full service does still exist, and here the premium is on service not on price.   800-685-8263

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